Catlett Music Center
The home of the School of Music at the University of Oklahoma, Catlett Music Center is widely regarded as a labyrinth across campus. Our task was to create a way finding system for the building.
My partner and I drew inspiration from Gothic Hall, the grand entrance to the great building. Sun shines through stain glass windows, beams criss-cross above. We allowed these shapes to inform the shapes and colors we used throughout Catlett.
After wandering the space, we identified the key areas of need for directional signs, regional identifiers, and general signage.
There is an architectural feature at the first crossroads in the building that is perfectly sized for a bulletin board and directional sign. This is the first place you need to make a decision about what direction to go, and there are approximately four options from this spot alone. A simple map on the left shows students and visitors what floor they are on currently and the general layout of the building. There is a distinct poster culture in Catlett that we wanted to honor, and so we opted for a generous bulletin space instead of a screen.